Comenius University
| QS_W = 771–780 | QS_W_year = 2024| QS_W_ref = | THE_W = 1001–1200 |THE_W_year = 2024| THE_W_ref = | USNWR_W = =639 | USNWR_W_year = 2023 | USNWR_W_ref = | QS_EECA =58 | QS_EECA_year =2022 | QS_EECA_ref = }}Comenius University in Bratislava () is the largest university in Slovakia, with most of its faculties located in Bratislava. It was founded in 1919, shortly after the creation of Czechoslovakia. It is named after Jan Amos Comenius, a 17th-century Czech teacher and philosopher.
In 2020, Comenius University had more about 23,000 students and 2,500 faculty members. As are most universities in Slovakia, it is funded mostly by the government. Provided by Wikipedia
Published 2007
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