Hôtel Drouot

The firm's main location, called Drouot-Richelieu, is situated on the Rue Drouot in the 9th arrondissement of Paris, on a site once occupied by the Paris Opera's Salle Le Peletier. The nearest Métro station is Richelieu - Drouot.
Other locations used to exist: Drouot-Montaigne, Drouot-Montmartre, and Drouot-Véhicules.
Details of forthcoming auctions are published in the weekly '''''Gazette de l'Hôtel Drouot''''', sold at newsstands and by subscription.
In 2008 Hôtel Drouot was ranked fifth by sales amongst Paris auction houses, after Sotheby's, Christie's, Artcurial, and Ader-Picard-Tajan. Provided by Wikipedia