एपीए उद्धरण

Mahāpātra, S. (2007). Bringing them to school: Primary education for tribal children (1. publ. in India.). New Delhi: Inter-India Publ.

शिकागो स्टाइल उद्धरण

Mahāpātra, Sītākānta. Bringing Them to School: Primary Education for Tribal Children. 1. publ. in India. New Delhi: Inter-India Publ, 2007.

एमएलए उद्धरण

Mahāpātra, Sītākānta. Bringing Them to School: Primary Education for Tribal Children. 1. publ. in India. New Delhi: Inter-India Publ, 2007.

चेतावनी: ये उद्धरण हमेशा 100% सटीक नहीं हो सकते हैं.